
Alejandro Vilar López is visiting us Alejandro Vilar López, currently a FPU PhD student under the supervision of José Edelstein at the Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías - Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, is visiting the IFT until March 31st 2021. His main line of research focuses on holography and quantum gravity, as well as higher-curvature corrections to General Relativity. In 2016, Alejandro already visited the IFT as a JAE-Intro fellow under the supervision of Jose L. F. Barbón, and the aim of this new visit will be to understand better what the AdS/CFT correspondence can teach us about reconstructing bulk information from a boundary perspective.
Mario Flory, new postdoctoral researcher at IFT Mario Flory obtained his PhD in 2016 at the Max Planck Institute for Physics and LMU Munich, Germany, and afterwards went as a postdoc to Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. From 2017 to 2020 he was principal investigator of his own grant from the Polish National Science Centre, and visited the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Canada, for three months in 2018. His research focuses on the AdS/CFT correspondence and its connections to condensed matter physics (especially the physic of localised defects such as the Kondo effect) and quantum information theory (especially quantum entanglement and quantum complexity).
Matteo Fasiello, new Atracción de Talento Researcher at IFT Matteo Fasiello has joined IFT as an Atracción de Talento Researcher in September 2020. Matteo comes to Madrid from the Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation in Portsmouth, where he was a research fellow. Before his time in the UK Matteo has held postdoctoral positions at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland and later at Stanford University in California. Matteo got his PhD in Milan in 2011, moved to DAMTP University of Cambridge after winning the “Della Riccia” fellowship, and then started his postdoc in the US. His research is in theoretical cosmology and gravity. Matteo investigates the consistency of early and late-time universe models and studies their signatures in view of current/upcoming observations. Current interests include inflation(-ary particle content), primordial gravitational waves, LSS dynamics, and dark energy. Welcome to Madrid Matteo!
Sachiko Kuroyanagi, new Atracción de Talento Researcher at IFT Sachiko Kuroyanagi joined our institute as an Atracción de Talento Researcher starting September 2020. She obtained her PhD in 2010 at Nagoya University in Japan. Prior to moving to IFT, she was assistant professor at Nagoya University (2015-2020) after having held several postdoctoral positions in Japan and Korea. Her research field is theoretical and observational cosmology, especially focusing on gravitational waves with the aim of understanding the history of the universe using upcoming experiments.


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