Speaker Event Type
Feb 3 2020 - 15:00 Gravitational waves: A new window to observe the Universe Sachiko Kuroyanagi Gravitational waves, small ripples in the space time, are a new and unique observational tool for exploring unknown aspects of the universe. Seminar
Feb 6 2020 - 15:00 Hunting for dark matter subhalos in the Milky Way with machine learning techniques Mihael Petač Rapid advances in the field of Machine Learning (ML) have providedus with new tools for reducing and analyzing vast datasets. In my talk I Seminar
Feb 7 2020 - 15:00 Global aspects of moduli spaces of 2d SCFTs, the Bagger-Witten line bundle, and the swampland Eric Sharpe This talk will concern advances in understanding explicitly the Bagger-Witten line bundle appearing in four-dimensional N=1 supergravity. This has recently been a Seminar
Feb 10 2020 - 15:00 High precision predictions for e+e- Colliders Jürgen Reuter In this talk I will briefly review the physics program of planned e+e- colliders. Seminar
Feb 17 2020 - 15:00 Non-metallic ground states from holography: features and observables. Alexander Krikun I will discuss the features of holographic models in case when the breaking of translations is relevant in the IR and the horizon geometry is not metallic. Seminar
Feb 20 2020 - 15:00 New physics in rare decays Toshihiko Ota After two decades of the great discoveries, neutrino physics is now entering the era of precision measurements with massive detectors. Seminar
Feb 24 2020 - 15:00 SUSY electroweak searches Manimala Chakraborti Owing to a modest production cross-section at the LHC, sub-TeV mass electroweak sparticles are still allowed by the latest Run-II data. Seminar
Feb 27 2020 - 15:00 Validity of the EFT approach to LHC processes with wide range of energies probed. The Same-Sign WW case Pawel Kozow Vector boson scatterings are fundamental processes to shed light on the nature of the electroweak symmetry breaking mechanism. Seminar
