
Speaker Event Type
Dec 15 2003 - 09:00 IX IFT-UAM/CSIC CHRISTMAS WORKSHOP Workshop
May 3 2004 - 09:00 IFT-UAM/CSIC Miniworkshop on The String Theory Landscape Workshop
Sep 23 2004 - 09:00 ERE 2004 The Spanish Relativity Meetings (E.R.E.) are annual gatherings which take place in some spanish city and to which most spanish relativitists and cosmologists usually attend. Workshop
Dec 15 2004 - 09:00 X IFT-UAM/CSIC CHRISTMAS WORKSHOP Workshop
Feb 9 2005 - 09:00 Workshop on Gravitational Aspects of Strings and Branes The Workshop on Gravitational Aspects of Branes and Strings took place in Madrid from February 9th through 11th, 2005. Workshop
May 18 2005 - 09:00 What´s ? IFT MiniWorkshop on Neutrino Physics 2005 The What's ? IFT MiniWorkshop on Neutrino Physics is an informal workshop on recent developments in Neutrino Physics or in Physics relevant to Neutrinos. Workshop
Sep 11 2005 - 09:00 IV Taller de Altas Energías 2005 (TAE 2005) El Taller de Altas Energías (TAE) tiene como objetivo completar la formación de estudiantes de doctorado que empiezan su investigación en Física de Altas Energías, teórica o experimental. Workshop
Dec 12 2005 - 09:00 The Quest for Unification: Theory Confronts Experiment The meeting of the network "The quest for unification: theory confronts experiment" will be held this year 2005 at the Institut Workshop
Dec 14 2005 - 09:00 XI IFT-UAM/CSIC CHRISTMAS WORKSHOP Workshop
May 19 2006 - 12:30 Sobre la Geometría en las Teorías de Cuerdas Minimales Juan Pedro Resco Thesis-dissertation
