Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa
The Institute of Theoretical Physics IFT CSIC/UAM welcomes applications to postdoctoral positions, starting October 2016, under various government-funded programs:
- SO(IFT) postdocs, funded by the Severo Ochoa Excellence Grant. Offering one / two positions.
- ERC-SPLE postdocs. Luis Ibáñez ERC Advanced Grant project "String Phenomenology in the LHC Era'' .
- ERC-SELFCOMPLETION postdocs. G. Dvali & C. Gómez ERC Advanced Grant project "UV-Completion through Bose-Einstein Condensation: a Quantum Model of Black Holes''.
- Lattice QCD applications in High Performance Computing postdoctoral offer, funded via EC Research Contract.
Recommended to have PhD before June 30, 2016. Interested candidates with scientific expertise in the areas of particle phenomenology, astroparticle physics, nuclear theory, string theory, gravitation and cosmology, lattice and quantum field theory, and quantum information theory, should file an application for a preselection at the IFT, using the web form below, which requires the upload of a CV and the provision of the e-mails of three referees.
Deadline: December 15, 2015
In order to apply, please fill out the online application on this link:
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