"la Caixa" Foundation Fellowships Ceremony

"la Caixa" Foundation Fellowships Ceremony
  • 105 researchers will develop their projects in Spain and Portugal thanks to the 65 fellowships granted within the framework of the INPhINIT doctoral program and the 40 fellowships from the Junior Leader postdoctoral program.

The "la Caixa" Foundation has awarded 105 new doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships to outstanding researchers to carry out their projects at universities and research centers in Spain and Portugal. With the INPhINIT doctoral fellowships and the Junior Leader postdoctoral fellowships, the "la Caixa" Foundation pursues the dual objective of retaining and attracting talent to boost research excellence in these countries.

The Fellowship Program of the "la Caixa" Foundation is the most important among those promoted by private entities in Spain and Europe, both in terms of the number of fellowships offered and the variety of disciplines. In total, the institution will allocate nearly 21 million euros to this promotion of doctoral and postdoctoral researchers. Both programs have been co-financed by the European Commission through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND Actions, within the framework of the Horizon 2020 program.

In the case of the IFT, we congratulate all the "la Caixa" Foundation fellows and especially those who join our institution: Stefano Gariazzo –Junior Leader fellowship– and Alessandra Grieco –INPhINIT PhD–.

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Profile of the Fellows

Of the 105 fellows selected in this edition, 49 are Spanish and 56 are foreigners, coming from 21 countries. Of these, Italy has the highest number of fellows, with 16. It is followed by Portugal, with 9; Germany, with 6, and the United States, with 4.

The fellowships awarded have been distributed among more than 60 research centers and universities in Spain and Portugal. Regarding specialties, theoretical physics and mathematics top the list, with 9 fellows; followed by environmental sciences, materials science and technology, and biomedical engineering and technology, with 7 fellows each.

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