Gender inequality in science: a diagnosis of gender bias in the scientific field to progress towards a real equal opportunity

March 20, 2018
3:00pm to 4:00pm

Audiovisual Room

Specialist level
Marina Rodriguez Baras

Audiovisual Room


As nowadays there are no laws forbidding the access of women to education and research in most countries, there may be a general perception of having achieved gender equality in science. This is far from true: women keep being underrepresented in every stage of the scientific career, and studies and statistics show the existence of general and specific gender bias within our field. In this webinar we will go through all the stages of the scientific career to analyse this situation of gender inequality and its causes, as the pervasive gender stereotypes associated to science and technology in our societies or the work-life balance problems that are still mostly assumed by women. We will also consider which measures should be taken to close the gender gap in science, in order to reach real equal opportunity in research.