INSTANS Summer School

June 20, 2010 to July 3, 2010
9:00am to 6:00pm

Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual

Specialist level

Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual


This is a Summer School organized by the INSTANS network of the European Science Foundation (Interdisciplinary Statistical and Field Theory Approaches to Nanophysics and Low Dimensional Systems).

The goal of the school is to provide expertise with the new theoretical framework to answer fundamental questions encountered in the modern physics of nanoscopic and low-dimensional systems. Special attention will be given to the topological aspects of condensed matter theory and its relation with Quantum Information, both of which have undergone an explosion in recent years. The second week of INSTANS Summer School will overlap with the Conference “Finite-Size Technology in Low-Dimensional Quantum Systems (V)” 2010, June 27 - July 17, offering an interesting opportunity for the scientific exchange between the participants of both events.