Luis Ibañez appointed to the CIFPA and ECFA committees

Luis Ibañez appointed to the CIFPA and ECFA committees

Luis Ibañez, IFT-UAM/CSIC member and professor at the Department of Theoretical Physics of UAM has been appointed in July as member of the Comision de Infraestructuras de Fisica de Particulas y Aceleradores  (CIFPA). This is an advisory committee  to the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness in ''the analysis and viability studies of different initiatives related to the participation of spanish research groups  in experiments in the areas of experimental particle physics, astroparticle and nuclear physics hosted, in particular, in the large international facilities related to these fields''. Luis Ibañez was also appointed in 2015 to the panel of the European Committee for Future Accelerators (ECFA).  This comittee addresses the long-term planning of European high-energy physics  facilities.

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