
Speaker Event Type
Apr 10 2018 - 11:30 Holoclub HoloClub
Apr 10 2018 - 15:00 Composite Higgs on the Lattice M. Golterman Extensions of the Standard Model in which the Higgs particle is a composite state of a new strong interaction can be studied using lattice gauge theory techniques. Webinars
Apr 12 2018 - 15:00 Lepton number conservation and new probes of low-scale seesaw models Cedric Weiland The observation of neutrino oscillations requires an extension of the Standard Model that generates neutrino masses and mixing. Seminar
Apr 13 2018 - 11:30 Gaussian Many-Body States: Tachyonic Quenches and Conformal Blocks Sebastián Montes This thesis is divided into two independent parts:In Part I, we present a characterization of a bosonic field theory driven by a free (Gaussian) tachyonic Hamiltonian. Thesis-dissertation
Apr 16 2018 - 15:00 Physics Beyond Colliders Jaeckel, J. Recently CERN has launched the Physics Beyond Colliders study that explores new experimental opportunities provided by the facilities and expertise available at CERN. Seminar
Apr 17 2018 - 11:30 Spin zero windows to new physics Rocío del Rey This thesis pays special attention to fine-tunings of the SM, such as those characterising the strong CP problem and the electroweak hierarchy problem. Thesis-dissertation
Apr 18 2018 - 11:00 Hadronic tau decays and the strong coupling Maarten Golterman I will discuss our recent determination of the strong coupling from hadronic tau decays, as measured by ALEPH and OPAL.   This determination is controversial, because the rather low tau mass makes Seminar
Apr 18 2018 - 11:30 (A)dS is a mess ERC-SPLE organizes a bi-weekly journal club, the SPLE-club, in which IFT members and visitors interested in string model building and related topics gather to discuss recent papers, new results, an SPLE-Club
Apr 19 2018 - 15:00 Flavor physics in lattice QCD as a window into BSM physics: |Vcb| and the B -> D* l nu semileptonic decay Alejandro Vaquero Flavor physics provides a rich variety of phenomena that can be used to probe the SM without requiring the high energies present only in particle accelerators. Seminar
Apr 20 2018 - 11:30 Pheno-Coffee An informal meeting where all the seniors and students are invited to discuss about phenomenology. Pheno-Coffee
