Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa
• The CTAO ERIC marks a new chapter in European astronomy, advancing the construction of the world's most advanced gamma-ray observatory.
The IUPAP - International Union of Pure and Applied Physics has appointed Prof. Germán Sierra as member of the Mathematics-Physics Commission (C.18)
The Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiviness has renewed this Excellence Award for 4 more years.
IFT visitor exchange program
¿ Quiénes somos y qué investigamos ?
The IFT 2018 Activity Report
Appointed to the CIFPA and ECFA committees
Two new H2020 projects coordinated by the Department of Theoretical Physics UAM/IFT
Supera los diez millones de visualizaciones
SO(IFT) Distinguished Profesor, has been awarded the 2016 BBVA Prize
Renewed the appointment for the CERN Scientific Policy Committee
has been awarded with the Miguel Catalán award 2016
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