Ernesto Arganda, new Atracción de Talento Researcher at IFT


Ernesto Arganda, new Atracción de Talento Researcher at IFT
Ernesto Arganda, a former IFT PhD student in the period 2003-2008, has joined again our institute as an Atracción de Talento Researcher starting September 2020. He comes back after having held an Adjoint Researcher position at Instituto de Física La Plata (IFLP-CONICET/UNLP, La Plata, Argentina, 2015). His research focuses on the phenomenology of high energy physics (in particular Higgs physics, neutrino physics, top physics, dark matter, supersymmetry, and collider physics), with an special dedication to the interplay between theory and experiments, together with the development of multivariate analyses and machine learning techniques in order to try to optimize the search strategies for physics beyond the standard model at particle colliders.