Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa
Grey Room 3
Ultracold quantum gases provide a versatile platform for
exploring strong interactions and non-equilibrium phases that have no
equilibrium counterparts. These phenomena often surpass the
computational reach of traditional numerical methods, necessitating
innovative approaches.
In this talk, I will discuss the experimental realization of the
attractive one-dimensional Bose gas in highly non-equilibrium states,
stabilized by approximate integrability. I will also introduce the
theoretical framework of generalized hydrodynamics, a powerful tool for
nearly-integrable systems that enables precise quantitative descriptions
of these exotic phases.
Ref Exp. [to appear]: M. Horvath, A. Bastianello, S. Dhar, R. Koch,
Y.Guo, J.S. Caux, M. Landini, and H.-C. Nägerl.
Ref Th.: R. Koch, A. Bastianello, J.-S. Caux, Phys. Rev. B 103, 165121
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