Classical and Quantum Detection of Gravitational Waves

Febrero 3, 2025
De 3:00pm hasta 4:15pm

IFT Seminar Room/Red Room

Theoretical Physics, general interest
Sebastian Ellis
Geneva U.

IFT Seminar Room/Red Room


Detecting Gravitational Waves (GWs) across a wide range of frequencies will certainly allow us to uncover new phenomena. This has driven a surge of interest in detecting GWs at all frequencies, including those greater than kHz, where LIGO loses sensitivity. We will show how simple toy models allow us to estimate the quantum noise-limited sensitivity of most existing and proposed GW detectors, including LIGO. Using these heuristics, we will discuss certain proposals to detect supra-kHz GWs, and how close they are to being optimal. Finally, we will see that to detect early universe GWs above a kHz will almost certainly require a quantum revolution in detector technology.