Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa
Red Room
Andriana will tell us about:
Cobordism Conjecture and tadpoles.
The Cobordism Conjecture postulates that the cobordism classes in a consistent theory of quantum gravity should be trivial. Non-vanishing cobordism classes can be made consistent by gauging or breaking the symmetry, possibly predicting new stringy defects. Regarding gauging, I will discuss how cobordism charges can be related to K-theory charges, precisely reproducing the structure of known tadpole cancellation conditions, and how this postulated relation behaves under dimensional reduction. I will also discuss breaking cobordism charges in the dynamical cobordism framework through a particular example: a 9-dimensional non-supersymmetric, positive-tension domain wall, together with its accompanying end-of-the-world 7-brane.
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