Massive supermembrane, Romans Supergravity and the type IIA massive superstring

Enero 25, 2024
De 12:00pm hasta 1:00pm

IFT Seminar Room/Red Room

Specialist level
Maria Pilar García del Moral
Universidad de La Rioja

IFT Seminar Room/Red Room

After the usual paper discussion, we will have a talk by our guest Prof. Maria Pilar García del Moral from Universidad de La Rioja, titled 'Massive supermembrane,  Romans Supergravity and the type IIA massive superstring.'
Abstract: During a long time it has been a puzzle the M-theory origin of Romans supergravity. It was even speculated the possibility that the type IIA massive string could not be strongly coupled. In this talk I will show that the origin is related to a class of supermembranes that we denote as massive supermembranes.
By performing a double dimension we obtain the worldsheet description of the  'massive' N=2 type IIA superstring associated. I will discuss about their properties and their connection with Romans supergravity.