Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa
IFT Seminar Room/Red Room
After the paper discussion, our guest Daniel Panizo will give the talk "Our universe on a (Dark) Bubble".
"In this talk I will discuss a novel braneworld scenario called Dark Bubble cosmology. This model proposes that an induced four-dimensional universe with positive cosmological constant rides on the boundary of a five dimensional bubble, which mediates the decay between two non-supersymmetric anti-de Sitter vacua. Contrary to regular compactifications, the dark bubble’s top-down construction from string theory comes equipped with a new scale hierarchy, controlled by the tension-to-charge ratio of the nucleated bubble. We will also discuss how five-dimensional fields backreact on the bulk geometry, modifying the evolution of the bubble wall, and hence decorating the expanding cosmos with familiar energy densities, such as gravitational or electromagnetic radiation."
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