[POSTPONED] Parametres for Understanding Uncertainty Part Four: Traces of the Not-Yet Known

Enero 13, 2023
De 11:00am hasta 1:00pm

Blue Room

General Public
Michael Schwab / Alberto Casas

Blue Room


New Date & Time: TBD

A series of interdisciplinary seminars in four parts designed to put research into creative practices, cultural work, technology, communications, and particle physics in dialogue.

Part Four: Traces of the Not-Yet Known 

Language of the session: English

The fourth (and final) session in the series considers what occurs at the limits of knowledge when the unknown traces of something emerge indicating the presence of that which is more than nothing

Commonplace within art/science collaborations is the use of representation to communicate scientific findings. Such endeavours offer limited returns to artistic research and tend to occur at the tail end of a scientific enquiry. What happens in the predetermined stages of a research investigation, at the point prior to identification or classification, when what is to-be-known is still emerging? If findings cannot be aligned with current systems and structures, what tools do we have for jumping into the unknown?

This session will operate as a springboard for a dynamic conversation exploring the fundamental characteristics of experimental research.  Each speaker will offer access points, insights, and observations into areas of thought that uphold the complexities at stake when considering the nuances of research processes at the nexus of art and science. 

  • Alberto Casas holds a PhD in Theoretical Physics and is Professor of Theoretical Physics at the Institute of Theoretical Physics (CSIC-UAM) in Madrid. His research areas are elementary particle physics and cosmology. 
  • Michael Schwab is an artist, and artist researcher who interrogates post-conceptual uses of technology in a variety of media including photography, drawing, printmaking and installation art. He holds a PhD in photography from the Royal College of Art. He is co-initiator and inaugural Editor-in-Chief of JAR, the Journal for Artistic Research. 

Series organised by Rebecca Collins, lecturer of Contemporary Art Theory at the University of Edinburgh and David G Cerdeño, Beatriz Galindo distinguished researcher at the UAM-CSIC Institute of Theoretical Physics. Rebecca Collins is currently an artistic researcher in residence at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Autonomous University of Madrid (2022-2023).

Registraton is required: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/parametres-for-understanding-uncertainty-tickets-503651684747