Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa
Blue Room
We consider the possibility that the majority of dark matter in the Universe consists of black holes of primordial origin, and study the prospects of generating them in single-field models of inflation. Three different scenarios are presented. The first two rely on the presence of an ultra-slow-roll phase in inflation due to an inflection point in the potential. One of these scenarios is characterized by a quartic polynomial potential and is (arguably) the simplest model of inflation able to produce a large population of primordial black holes. The second scenario is aimed at ameliorating the tuning problems present in inflection-point models, and involves a setup that employs the advantages of gravitational collapse in a long epoch of early matter domination, as well as a potential based on a string-inspired class of models in which the inflaton is identified with a non-compact axion field. The third scenario we consider is fundamentally different from the inflection-point models, and consists on obtaining the large peak in the power spectrum of curvature perturbations necessary for black hole formation from a transient dissipative phase during inflation. In this case the enhancement of the power spectrum occurs due to the presence of a stochastic thermal noise source in the equation of motion for the fluctuations.
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