SL(2,R) lattices and networks as information mirrors and decoders

Junio 9, 2020
De 4:00pm hasta 5:00pm

Online Holotube

Specialist level
Ayan Mukhopadhyay
(Indian Institute Of Technology Madras

Online Holotube


Quantum black holes past their Page times are unique objects in terms of how they process quantum information. Thinking of such black holes as quantum circuits, it has been argued that while infalling information after Page time comes out quickly at the order of Hayden-Preskill time, processing the information about the black hole interior will require timescales that are much larger than the evaporation time of the black hole in order to avoid information paradoxes. Thus quantum black holes acts as information mirrors that reveals the bits that fell in just after Page time first and its own formation later. Motivated by the fragmented horizon picture, we construct a simple model that can capture the essence of quantum black holes in terms of its information processing. Our model is a lattice of nearly two-dimensional anti-de Sitter spaces interacting with mobile quantum hair carrying gravitational charges. We will show that this model can realize the Hayden-Preskill protocol while not encountering information paradoxes due to inherent pseudorandomness and scrambling. Furthermore, we will discuss well motivated generalizations of this model that are analogous to tensor networks. We will  argue these can provide computable “fragmented holographic” frameworks for general semi-local non-Fermi liquids and other strongly correlated systems.