Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa
La Cristalera
The Workshop on Gravitational Aspects of Branes and Strings took place in Madrid from February 9th through 11th, 2005. The organizing group belongs to the Institute for Theoretical Physics IFT-UAM/CSIC. The Workshop was part of the activities associated to the Red Temática de Relatividad y Gravitación (RTRG) (Network on Relativity and Gravitation).
The meeting will be held at a conference and residence hall called La Cristalera, at 2 Km. from Miraflores de la Sierra, a small village located 50 Km. North of Madrid.
It was an informal meeting, with the purpose of bringing together researchers in string theory from Spain and Portugal, for discussion and to promote interactions between the different groups. The programme included a series of plenary lectures by international speakers, reviewing recent topics of interest in string theory, plus several shorter afternoon communications, where participation of younger scientists was encouraged. All lectures and communications were given in English. Discussions were strongly encouraged, both inside the conference room and outside.
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