
Personal TIC para desarrollo de aplicaciones Web
Kind of offer: 

El Instituto de Física Teórica UAM/CSIC ofrece una posición para Personal TIC para desarrollo de aplicaciones web, con funciones orientadas al desarrollo de aplicaciones a medida, mantenimiento de servidores web y soporte informático al personal del centro. Este puesto está dirigido a profesionales con titulación universitaria en Informática o formación profesional de grado superior en Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Informáticas o Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web.

La Caixa doctoral INPhINIT fellowships call is now open
Kind of offer: 

The Institute for Theoretical Physics (IFT) in Madrid is offering PhD positions for talented Early Stage Researchers within the framework of the "la Caixa" doctoral INPhINIT fellowships, in the fields of String Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Information, Particle Physics, Astroparticles and Cosmology.

PhD position in the theory of quantum algorithms
Kind of offer: 

We are offering a fully funded 4-year PhD position with an FPI grant from the Spanish government, under the supervision of Dr. Alvaro Alhambra at the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Madrid. It is expected to start within the first few months of 2025 (from January to March).

Postdocs at the IFT within the 'La Caixa Junior Leader' program - 2025
Kind of offer: 

The ”la Caixa” Foundation is now accepting applications for its annual Junior Leader postdoctoral fellowship program, aimed at researchers of any nationality who wish to lead STEM projects in Spain or Portugal.

OFERTA: 1 técnico/a de apoyo a la investigación para gestión económica y administrativa
Kind of offer: 

La presentación de solicitudes se realizará a través de la Sede Electrónica, siguiendo las instrucciones descritas en las Bases de la Convocatoria.

Asimismo, también deberá inscribirse en la oferta publicada en el portal de empelo I+D+i de la Comunidad de Madrid.


Call for 2023 FPU PhD positions
Kind of offer: 

The call for FPU PhD positions form the Spanish Ministry of Universities has just opened. The fellowships will cover a four-year period, with conditions as specified in the Ministry call. This includes a competitive salary and full health insurance. Selected candidates will be included in IFT grants, which provide additional funds for scientific visits, attendance to advanced schools and workshops, and other training activities.

Postdoctoral positions 2023
Kind of offer: 

The IFT expects to offer postdoc positions, with orientative starting date Fall 2024, under a number of topical grants.

Interested candidates with scientific expertise in the areas of particle phenomenology, astroparticle physics, string theory, gravitation and cosmology, lattice and quantum field theory, or quantum information theory are welcome to apply by following the link below.

Full consideration will be given to applications received by January 1st.
