Approaching deadline to apply for postdoctoral positions at the IFT

Approaching deadline to apply for postdoctoral positions at the IFT

Deadline for application for postdoctoral positions at the IFT is December 1st.
IFT is offering up to 10 postdoctoral positions, starting October 2018, under various programs:
- Up to 8 positions within the IFT Severo Ochoa Excellence Center program in the areas of Particle Phenomenology, Astroparticles, String theory, Gravitation and Cosmology, Lattice and Quantum Field Theory, and Quantum Information

- One position within the grant "New Avenues in Particle Physics" (grant # FPA2016-78645-P)

- One position in Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, with a focus on dark matter searches, funded by an “Atracción de Talento Investigador” grant (#2016-T1/TIC-1542) awarded by the Comunidad de Madrid regional government

- One three year postdoctoral position for research in Gauge/Gravity Duality to be funded by a Grant 'Atracción de Talento 2017' (2017-T1/TI C-5258)

Recommended to have PhD before June 30, 2018. Interested candidates with scientific expertise in the areas of particle phenomenology, astroparticle physics, nuclear theory, string theory, gravitation and cosmology, lattice and quantum field theory, and quantum information theory, should file an application for a preselection at the IFT, using the web form below, which requires the upload of a CV and the provision of the e-mails of three referees.

IFT is an equal-opportunity institution. Application from female scientists is particularly encouraged.

Deadline: December 1st, 2017

More information and online application form here

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