La Caixa doctoral INPhINIT fellowships call is now open

La Caixa doctoral INPhINIT fellowships call is now open

The Institute for Theoretical Physics (IFT) in Madrid is offering PhD positions for talented Early Stage Researchers within the framework of the "la Caixa" doctoral INPhINIT fellowships, in the fields of String Theory, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Information, Particle Physics, Astroparticles and Cosmology.

The doctoral INPhINIT Fellowship Programme - Incoming aims to support the best scientific talent —of any nationality— and foster innovative and high-quality research in Spain and Portugal by recruiting outstanding international researchers and offering them an attractive and competitive environment for conducting research of excellence.

These are 4 year PhD positions at top scientific research centres in Spain, accredited with the Severo Ochoa or María de Maeztu excellence award. Candidates are expected to have completed their Master by fall 2025, to start their PhD studies. The international character of the program requires candidates to have not resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than twelve months in the three years immediately prior to the deadline for applications.

On top of a competitive salary, the position offers a dedicated budget for short scientific visits to other research centres. In addition, IFT offers additional funds to attend schools or international workshops related to the PhD research topics.        

Within this call, IFT faculty members are offering supervisions along the following research lines:

  • - “String Theory and the Swampland: Quantum Gravity at Low energies” 
  • (Luis E. Ibáñez, Matteo Lotito, Fernando Marchesano, Miguel Montero, Ángel M. Uranga, Irene Valenzuela) 
  • - “Surfing Gravitational Waves Beyond the Standard Model” 
  • (Guillermo Ballesteros, José Miguel No, Javier Serra)
  • - “Neutrinos and axions as portals to discover new physics” 
  • (Pilar Coloma, Enrique Fernández Martínez, Belén Gavela, Michele Maltoni, Luca Merlo)
  • - “Identification of Dark Matter: theoretical models and experimental searches” 
  • (Sven Heinemeyer, Miguel Ángel Sanchez Conde)
  • - “New physics phenomenology at particle colliders and machine learning"
  • (Ernesto Arganda, Pier Paolo Giardino, Sven Heinemeyer, María José Herrero)
  • - “Understanding the origin of black hole binaries with gravitational wave observatories"
  • (Sachiko Kuroyanagi, Juan García-Bellido)
  • - “Exploring fundamental physics with next-generation cosmic microwave background and large-scale structure surveys"
  • (Yashar Akrami)
  • - “Gravity, Fluids, and Scientific Machine Learning: Cracking the Code of Relativistic Hydrodynamics through Holography"
  • (Daniel Areán, Karl Landsteiner)
  • - "Quantum perspective on the standard model and further"
  • (Juan Antonio Aguilar Saavedra, Alberto Casas, Jesús Moreno)
  • - "Quantum information at the frontier of theoretical physics"
  • (Álvaro M. Alhambra, Alejandro Bermudez, Daniel González Cuadra, Esperanza López, Germán Sierra)

IFT and La Caixa Foundation are equal opportunity institutions. Applications by female scientists are specially encouraged.

Applications should be completed online

More information: See attached files or contact





Jueves, 23 de Enero de 2025 - 14:00

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