8M – International Women’s Day 2021

8M – International Women’s Day 2021

IFT joins the celebration of the International Women’s Day, which this year has the theme

“Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a Covid-19 world”. UN Women

We do this working from home, balancing work and childcare responsibilities, to avoid that our contribution to science is weakened by the current situation (Nature). Today is a day to celebrate the efforts of women on the front line in the battle against Covid, as is the case of the many workers in the health sector. It is also a day to celebrate the work of scientists and caregivers. 

Because, at the IFT, we push for a world with equal rights and opportunities for all. We reclaim the right of women to take active part in decision making processes, their right to have an equal salary to that of men, and an equal access to employment opportunities. We also demand an equitable distribution of caregiving and household duties, as well as the cease of all forms of violence against women and girls. 

Happy March 8th!

More information: 

- IFT 8M Web site 

- UN Web site

- UAM Activities

- EDI Web site

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