Participation of the IFT in Campus Gutenberg's outreach efforts in science

Participation of the IFT in Campus Gutenberg's outreach efforts in science

The YouTube channel is the flagship of the outreach activity of the Institute for Theoretical Physics IFT UAM/CSIC. With more than 653,000 followers and more than 86 000 000 views, the channel addresses fundamental physics issues every week and answers questions posed by users.

With an similar impact than other prestigious outreach channels in Spanish, the IFT's activity on YouTube is unique. For this reason, the channel is being presented as a successful case of study at Campus Gutemberg 2022, which is being held this time at 'Cosmo Caixa' Science Museum.

The Gutemberg Campus is a scientific outreach event that is held every year in Barcelona. The Campus is organized by the Master's Degree in Scientific, Medical and Environmental Communication of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra-Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM), "La Caixa" and the Center for Studies in Science, Communication and Society (CCS- UPF), with the collaboration of the Catalan Association for Scientific Communication (ACCC), the Spanish Association for Scientific Communication (AEC2) and the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology - Ministry of Science and Innovation (FECYT).

pie de foto: 
IFT, un instituto youtuber

pie de foto: 
Cosmo Caixa

pie de foto: 
Cosmo Caixa

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