Public Lecture: Piedad de la Cierva and the Silenced Legacy of Women in the CSIC

Public Lecture: Piedad de la Cierva and the Silenced Legacy of Women in the CSIC
  • Carmen Gómez-Fayrén de las Heras, a predoctoral researcher at the IFT, will deliver an informative talk about the life of Piedad de la Cierva, the only female member of the CSIC at its inception.

  • The lecture will take place on Thursday, February 8, 2024, at 7:00 PM in the auditorium of the IFT.

Piedad de la Cierva Viudes was a pioneer scientist from Murcia, and the only woman member of the CSIC in its first constitution. Throughout her career she studied various subjects such as radioactivity and optics.

Other pioneering women like her, and also men, were harshly silenced due to the context of the time, leaving a muted footprint in their respective fields of work.

In the little documentation that records the life of Pilar de la Cierva, she herself writes that she was a witness of exceptional years in which women were beginning to set foot in the university and the sciences.

The talk will be given by Carmen Gómez-Fayrén de las Heras, grandniece of Piedad de la Cierva herself and predoctoral researcher at the Institute of Theoretical Physics UAM-CSIC.

The aim of this talk is to pay tribute to all those women who suffered discrimination and repression, as well as to tell the interesting trajectory of Piedad de la Cierva with the sensitivity she deserves.

In the context of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, celebrated every February, Carmen Gómez-Fayrén de las Heras, the predoctoral researcher at the IFT and great-niece of Piedad de la Cierva, will deliver a public lecture highlighting the trajectory of this fascinating pioneer on Thursday, February 8, 2024, in the auditorium of the IFT. (Nicolás Cabrera 13-15, 28049, Cantoblanco, Madrid).

Admission is free and open until full capacity is reached.

The conference will be held in Spanish.

Confirm your attendance here.

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Comuncación IFT

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