
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Mariano Quirós is visiting us Dr. Mariano Quirós from ICREA & IFAE is visiting the IFT for the period March 8th to 20th, 2020. His office number is 401. His research interests are: Beyond Standard Model
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Antonio Delgado is visiting us Dr. Antonio Delgado from University of Notre Dame is visiting the IFT for the period March 08th - 14th, 2020. His office number is 317. His research interests are: LHC phenomenology of different models beyond the SM.
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Jos Vermaseren is visiting us Dr. Jos Vermaseren from Nikhef Amsterdam is visiting the IFT for the period February 1st to March 3rd, 2020. His office number is 401. Jos Vermaseren's research focuses on calculations in perturbative field theory, with excursions into mathematics and computer science whenever this is needed for his main topic.
Dra. María Pilar García del Moral is visiting us Dra. María Pilar García del Moral from U. Antofagasta Chile is visiting the IFT for the period December 23rd to March 6th 2020. His office number is 216. His research interests are: String theory and M, theory supermembrane.


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