
Dr. Cumrun Vafa is visiting us Dr. Cumrun Vafa from Harvard University is visiting IFT for the period September 18th to 21st, 2018. His office number is 404. Cumrun Vafa's primary area of research is string theory. Together with his colleagues he has worked on topological strings, trying to elucidate some new mathematics originating from string theory (notably in his work on mirror symmetry) and using these techniques to uncover some of the mysteries of black holes, particularly the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy.
Dr. Fernando Quevedo is visiting us Dr. Fernando Quevedo from ICTP is visiting the IFT for the period September 18th to 21st, 2018. His office number is 401. He is a well-known theoretical particle physicist with wide-ranging research interests in string theory, phenomenology and cosmology. He was awarded the 1998 ICTP Prize in recognition of his important contributions to superstring theory.
Dr. Adrian Feiguin is visiting us Dr. Adrian Feiguin from Northeastern University, Boston is visiting the IFT for the period September 3rd to December 21st, 2018. His field of expertise is computational condensed matter, focusing on quantum mechanical problems with strong correlations. He conducts research on several topics ranging from quantum transport, to exotic phases of matter in cold atom systems. He is regarded as one of the developers of the time-dependent density matrix renormalization group method, a numerical technique able to simulate real and imaginary time dynamics of large correlated quantum systems.
Dr. Viviana Gammaldi is visiting us Dr. Viviana Gammaldi from SISSA, Trieste, Italy is visiting the IFT for the period August 31st to September 8th, 2018. Her office number is 201. Her research interests are: Indirect Searches for Dark Matter


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