
Dr. Nishal Rai is visiting us Dr. Nishal Rai from University of Granada is visiting the IFT for the period January 31st to February 25th, 2022. He is currently working on the application of AdS/CFT correspondence in Hydrodynamics.
Rebecca Collins, new Invited Professor at IFT Dr. Rebecca Collins, Lecturer in Contemporary Art Theory, from the University of Edinburgh is joining the IFT for 12 months from January 2022. Dr. Collins received a prestigious Royal Society of Edinburgh Saltire Early Career Fellowship for her project Parameters for Understanding Uncertainty: Creative Practice and Sonic Detection as Strategies for Scientific Outreach (P4UU). She will be investigating how methodologies used in creative practice meet those in the physical sciences. Working alongside Dr. Cerdeño and his group at the IFT, a central aim of the project is to find innovative approaches to better communicate research processes involving invisible matter.
Dr. Christian Copetti is visiting us Dr. Christian Copetti from SISSA is visiting the IFT for the period January 24th to 28th, 2022. His research interests are: Holography, anomalies and QFT
Dr. Matteo Martinelli is visiting us Dr. Matteo Martinelli from Rome Observatory, INAF is visiting the IFT for the period January 24th to 28th, 2022. His research interests are: cosmological observables, Dark Energy and Modified Gravity, cosmological tests of gravity


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