
Dr. Miguel Montero is visiting us Dr. Miguel Montero from Harvard U. is visiting the IFT for the period December 15th, 2021 to January 18th,2022. His research interests are: Cosntraints on EFT's from generic quantum gravity/string theory considerations.
Jacopo Fumagalli, new postdoctoral researcher at IFT Jacopo obtained his PhD at the University of Amsterdam (Nikhef) in 2018 and he then spent three years as a postdoctoral fellowship at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris. He works at the interface between particle physics and cosmology. His research interests include Higgs cosmology, effective field theories, non-gaussianities and primordial black holes from (multifield) inflation and primordial features in the stochastic background of gravitational waves with a recent interest on observability in LISA of which is a member since 2020.
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Eric Bergshoeff is visiting us Dr. Eric Bergshoeff from Groningen University, The Netherlands is visiting the IFT for the period November 29th to December 3rd, 2021. His research interests include: Supersymmetry, Gravity, Branes and, more recently, Non-relativistic Gravity.
Mikel Álvarez Urquiola, new postdoctoral researcher at IFT Mikel did his PhD in the University of the Basque Country (Spain, 2017-2021) and his current research focuses on Supergravity and String Theory, with a special focus on their cosmological applications. Within this vast subject, he has been working on the application Gaussian Random Fields to emulate the String Theory Landscape, the statistical characterisation of the vacua of String Theory, and False Vacuum Decay processes involving membranes.


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