PhD positions at IFT, involving five positions associated to the Severo Ochoa Excellence Center grant
There is a new opening for PhD positions at IFT, involving five positions associated to the Severo Ochoa Excellence Center grant. Candidates are expected to carry out a PhD in one of the strategic research lines of the IFT, which include particle phenomenology, astroparticle physics, nuclear theory, string theory, gravitation and cosmology, lattice and quantum field theory, and quantum information theory.
The reference codes of the fellowships are:
- CEX2020-001007-S-21-1 Quantum Matter and Fields (contact: Esperanza López)
- CEX2020-001007-S-21-2 Strings and quantum gravity (contact: Fernando Marchesano)
- CEX2020-001007-S-21-3 Origin and composition of the universe: Astroparticles and Cosmology (contact: Juan García-Bellido)
- CEX2020-001007-S-21-4 Particle Physics in the Standard Model and Beyond – I (contact: Alberto Casas)
- CEX2020-001007-S-21-5 Particle Physics in the Standard Model and Beyond – II (contact: David G. Cerdeño)
The fellowships will cover a four-year period, with conditions as specified in the Ministry call. This includes a competitive salary and full health insurance. Selected candidates will be included in IFT grants, which provide additional funds for scientific visits, attendance to advanced schools and workshops, and other training activities.
IFT is an equal opportunity institution. Applications to this program by female scientists are particularly encouraged.
Application procedure:
Fully detailed information about the call (in Spanish) can be found at this link
A short guide in English to the application page can be found here
Applications have to be filed through the webpage of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities:
The application period is from 28 October to 11 November 2021 (hard deadline at 14:00 CET of the closing day).
Candidates are expected to provide:
– A copy of the passport.
– An updated CV, either in English or Spanish.
– A certificate of academic degrees and (if available) a certificate of the Masters degree, both indicating:
• Issue date.
• List of subjects and grades, with the dates when they were obtained.
• For degrees from non-Spanish universities, certificates must include basic information about the interpretation of grades (maximum and minimum values, and passing grade).
If a certificate is not complete because some grades are not available, a partial certificate can be provided as well. What is important is that the candidate holds an academic degree that grants access to a PhD program at the time of formalisation of the contract.
An official translation should be provided for titles not issued in Spanish or English.
Candidates should have an excellent academic track record. We encourage them to send an expression of interest directly to the IFT, through the form:
This will help our assessing of interested candidates. We stress however that the expression of interest is NOT a formal application, and the latter has still to be filed at the Ministry webpage as described above.
Should you need any further information or assistance concerning the application, please contact
Thursday, 11 November, 2021 – 2:00pm
Postdocs at the IFT within the “La Caixa Junior Leader” program
There is an open call for postdoc positions in Theoretical Physics at the IFT Madrid, within the framework of the H2020 MSCA-COFUND program.
These are 3-year positions, due to start between April and September 2022. They are endowed with a competitive salary plus additional funds for research expenses.
They are sponsored by the “La Caixa Junior Leader” program, which funds 25+15 postdocs, for excellent candidates of any nationality to work at Spanish centers with the Severo Ochoa or María de Maeztu distinctions of excellence.
Candidates interested in joining the IFT should have scientific expertise in the areas of either particle phenomenology, string theory, gravitation and cosmology, astroparticle physics, lattice and quantum field theory and quantum information theory.
For more info on research at the IFT, see
There are two types of postdocs positions:
Junior leader: Incoming
Candidates must have obtained their PhD degree two to seven years prior to the deadline of applications.
Candidates must not have spent more than 12 months in Spain in the 3 years immediately prior to the time of recruitment.
(25 postdocs)
Junior leader : Retaining
Candidates must have obtained their PhD degree two to seven years prior to the deadline of applications.
Candidates must have resided in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the time of recruitment.
(15 postdocs)
Applications must be carried out online at the La Caixa webpage
For candidates interested to apply, please contact an IFT member working in the closest research field.
Application deadline: October 7th 2021.IFT is an equal opportunity institution, compromised with the principles of non-discrimination and gender balance. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to gender, sexual orientation, race, age, religion, disability, or any other circumstance. Candidates from underrepresented and traditionally disadvantaged backgrounds are particularly encouraged to apply.
Opening for PhD positions at the IFT
There is a new opening for PhD positions at the IFT, including three positions associated to the Severo Ochoa Excellence Center grant. Candidates are expected to carry out a PhD in one of the strategic research lines of the IFT, which include particle phenomenology, astroparticle physics, nuclear theory, string theory, gravitation and cosmology, lattice and quantum field theory, and quantum information theory.
The reference codes of the fellowships are:
• SEV-2016-0597-19-1 Standard Model and Beyond (contact person: Alberto Casas)
Opening for La Caixa INPhINIT International PhD positions at the IFT, Madrid
The Institute for Theoretical Physics (IFT) in Madrid is offering PhD positions for talented Early Stage Researchers within the framework of the Doctoral INPhINIT “la Caixa” fellowships, in the fields of Particle Physics, Astroparticles and Cosmology.
These are 3 year PhD positions, cofunded by the EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie program, at the top scientific research centers in Spain, accredited with the Severo Ochoa excellence award. Candidates are expected to have completed their Master by October 2019, to start the PhD studies. (more…)
Postdocs at the IFT within the “La Caixa Junior Leader” program
The Institute of Theoretical Physics IFT UAM-CSIC participates in the “La Caixa Junior Leader” program, which finances 22 3-year postdocs with additional money for research specifically for Centers of Excellence, for candidates satisfying the mobility rule, and 10 postdocs for those not.
Opening for Severo Ochoa PhD positions at the IFT
There is a new opening for PhD positions at the IFT, funded by the Severo Ochoa Excellence Center grant.
Candidates are expected to carry out a PhD in one of the strategic research lines of the IFT, which include particle phenomenology, astroparticle physics, nuclear theory, string theory, gravitation and cosmology, lattice and quantum field theory, and quantum information theory.
They should have an excellent academic track record, and are expected to hold an academic degree that grants access to a PhD program at the time of formalisation of the contract. (more…)
Opening for La Caixa INPhINIT International PhD positions at the IFT, Madrid
The Institute for Theoretical Physics (IFT) in Madrid is offering PhD positions for talented Early Stage Researchers within the framework of the La Caixa International PhD program, in the fields of Particle Physics, Astroparticles and Cosmology.
The Institute of Theoretical Physics IFT CSIC/UAM welcomes applications to postdoctoral positions
The Institute of Theoretical Physics IFT CSIC/UAM welcomes applications to postdoctoral positions, starting October 2018, under various programs:
– Up to 8 positions within the IFT Severo Ochoa Excellence Center program
– One position within the grant “New Avenues in Particle Physics” (grant # FPA2016-78645-P)
– One position in Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, with a focus on dark matter searches, funded by an “Atracción de Talento Investigador” grant (#2016-T1/TIC-1542) awarded by the Comunidad de Madrid regional government
– One three year postdoctoral position for research in Gauge/Gravity Duality to be funded by a Grant ‘Atracción de Talento 2017’ (2017-T1/TI C-5258)
Opening for PhD positions at the IFT
There is a new opening for PhD positions at the IFT, including three positions associated to the Severo Ochoa Excellence Center grant.
Candidates are expected to carry out a PhD in one of the strategic research lines of the IFT, which include particle phenomenology, astroparticle physics, nuclear theory, string theory, gravitation and cosmology, lattice and quantum field theory, and quantum information theory. They should have an excellent academic track record, and are expected to hold an academic degree that grants access to a PhD program at the time of formalisation of the contract.
The deadline for applications is from October 3rd to October 18th 2017 at 15:00
Postdocs at the IFT within the “La Caixa Junior Leader” program
The Institute of Theoretical Physics IFT UAM-CSIC participates in the “La Caixa Junior Leader” program, which finances 20 3-year postdocs with additional money for research specifically for Centers of Excellence, for candidates satisfying the mobility rule, and 10 postdocs for those not.
Application deadline is October 2nd. Applications must be submitted through the La Caixa webpage