Mailing Lists

The IFT shares useful information among its members by means of different thematic lists:         This list is intendend for information of IFT general interest. Subscription is under request and needs administration approval.            This list is intendend for official IFT communications, mainly coming from Administration and Direction. Subscription is under request and needs administration approval.          This list is intendend for official IFT communications to students only, mainly coming from Administration and Direction. Subscription is under request and needs administration approval.         This list is intendend for official IFT communications to postdocs only, mainly coming from Administration and Direction. Subscription is under request and needs administration approval.            This is an open list for social events and informal and off-topic communications. Subscription and withdraw is open and volunteer           This list is intended for communications related with HPC clusters and Scientific Computing systems, mainly sysman-to-user communications. Subscription is private and only by administrator.       This is a list for announces and communications about seminars, colloquia, journal clubs etc.... Subscription and withdraw is open and volunteer

Subscribing to a mailing list is very simple:

   Select the address you want to subscribe to the list.

   Send a message to from the direction you want to subscribe to the list. Sympa is not a person but a robot managing mailing lists. So no use endearments give! ;-)

   On the subject of the message, type: subscribe listname Name Last Name (replace 'listname' with the name of the list to which you want to subscribe and enter your own name and surname).

   Leave the message body blank.

To unsubscribe from a list, do the following:

    Since the email address with which you subscribed to the list , send a message to .

    In the Subject field of your email , write : unsubscribe listname (replace ' listname ' with the name of the list from which you want to unsubscribe ) .

    Leave the message body blank .