Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa
Orange Room/ Sala Naranja
We use the Counts-in-Cells (CiC) method to obtain the galaxy bias. CiC is a method based on dividing the sphere in cells of the same volume and counting the number of galaxies in each cell. Having this, we can compute the density contrast in each cell and then compute the moments of the density contrast distribution. From the variance we can compute the linear bias, and from the third and fourth order moments the first non-linear bias parameters. In this thesis I develop a method to compute the bias using CiC. First I check that the method works with simulations and then I apply the method to data from the Dark Energy Survey, to which i belong. The best thing about this method, compared to others, It is that it is simple and fast. CiC allows the computation of higher orders than the two-point correlation function without being computationally demanding.\\
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