High-energy cosmic messengers as probes of fundamental physics and cosmology

March 14, 2022
3:00pm to 4:00pm

IFT Seminar Room/Red Room and online on Zoom

Theoretical Physics, general interest
Rafael Alves Batista

IFT Seminar Room/Red Room and online on Zoom


High-energy cosmic messengers are powerful probes of the universe at large scales and of energetic processes beyond the reach of current particle accelerators. Firstly, these messengers can be used to probe the medium they traversed, providing cosmological information such as the distribution of photons resulting from structure-formation processes, the large-scale distribution of magnetic fields in the universe, etc. Secondly, Planck-scale effects could accumulate over the long baselines involved in their propagation, resulting in measurable effects.
In this talk I will start off by reviewing the theory of propagation of high-energy cosmic messengers, namely cosmic rays, gamma rays, and neutrinos. I will then discuss how these messengers have been used to probe intergalactic magnetic fields and the extragalactic background light. Finally, I will illustrate how they have been used to search for violations of special-relativistic principles such as Lorentz invariance.

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/91390797603?pwd=bWdEdUJNYkhZQWZQRFdsTjlSQXk0Zz09