Hiking to K3

December 11, 2018
11:30am to 1:00pm

discussion room on the fourth floor (B418)

Specialist level

discussion room on the fourth floor (B418)


ERC-SPLE organizes a bi-weekly journal club, the SPLE-club, in which IFT members and visitors interested in string model building and related topics gather to discuss recent papers, new results, and enjoy interesting expositions by participants.

In the final journal club of the year, we shall be taking a refreshing trip far over the misty mountain cold of K2 K3, and discuss the following papers:

(1) Type IIA Flux Vacua with Mobile D6-branes, Escobar, Marchesano, Staessens;
(2) K3 metrics from little string theory, Kachru, Tripathy, Zimet;

(3) A Spin-2 Conjecture on the Swampland, Klaewer, Lüst, Palti.