Invisibles 15 Workshop

June 22, 2015 to June 26, 2015
9:00am to 6:00pm


Specialist level



The Invisibles15 Workshop follows Invisibles15 School, and it will be organized in collaboration with the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum (Madrid) with scheduled meetings at both the IFT (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid campus, 2 full days) and the museum itself (3 full days). The workshop starts early on Monday 22nd and finishes late on Friday 26th: participants are encouraged to stay until Saturday in view of the special event on Friday evening. The focus of the workshop will be on the interfaces between the physics of the visible and the invisible (neutrinos, dark matter and Beyond the Standard Model Physics) sectors:
Invisibles meets collider and Higgs physics
Invisibles meets CPV: axions and neutrino CP searches
Flavour interface: quarks, leptons and dark matter
Invisibles in Astrophysics
Invisibles in Cosmology

Special outreach events
Science meets Art at the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum. Limited places available at two outreach sessions; early registration is advisable.
For a special public exhibition of selected paintings "Invisibles-Thyssen", we would appreciate the early help of participants, by suggesting specific paintings from the museum exhibitions via an email to, accompanied of a short explanation on why.