ML-AI Journal Club: 'Determination of BSM Triple Higgs Couplings at the HL-LHC with NN'

June 3, 2024
11:30am to 12:30pm

IFT Grey Room 3

Specialist level
Kateryna Radchenko
Universität Hamburg

IFT Grey Room 3

In this talk, I will briefly review the motivation for proposing extended Higgs sectors as a solution to shortcomings of the Standard Model (SM). In the concrete example of the Two Higgs Doublet Model (2HDM), an additional CP even Higgs, H, is predicted. Assuming that this particle is heavier than the Higgs boson discovered at approximately 125 GeV, it will resonantly contribute to the process of Higgs pair production. This contribution will be proportional to the product of two Beyond the SM (BSM) couplings: the trilinear Higgs coupling (THC), lambda_{hhH}, and the heavy Higgs top Yukawa coupling, xi_{H}^{t}. I will demonstrate that, with the use of a Neural Network (NN), it is possible to determine the value of lambda_{hhH} . xi_{H}^{t} based on a hypothetical m_{hh} distribution measured at the HL-LHC. Such a determination might be possible within a 10%-20% accuracy range, considering experimental uncertainties. This represents a first attempt to assess the experimental determination of a BSM THC and will be crucial for the determination of the shape of the BSM Higgs potential.

The journal club is all about topics related to Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and High Performance Computing (HPC) in all research areas of the IFT. For day to day organizational issues (papers, speakers etc) contact Andres Perez ( and Rosa Maria Sanda Seoane (, while to join the mailing list contact Savvas Nesseris (