Scalar taus at the LHC: How we will find them

December 10, 2020
4:00pm to 5:30pm


Specialist level
Victor Martin-Lozano



After almost 10 years of performance at different energies the LHC has provided a large amount of data. Despite the fact of finding a SM-like Higgs boson, there is no sign of new Physics yet. However, that does not mean there is no Physics Beyond the Standard Model, there is still a number of processes that the new Physics could present that are not covered by the current searches. One of the most exciting areas to explore is the electroweak symmetry breaking sector, given the fact that one Higgs boson has been found one can ask if the Higgs sector in Nature consists of more states than the one found. There are many searches that look for signatures of new and heavy Higgses at the LHC, however those searches focus on the fact that these new states decay mostly into Standard Model particles. Different models, such as supersymmetry (SUSY), involve new particles that couple to the Higgs bosons and therefore must be taken into account when considering searches of new Higgs bosons. That is the case of the scalar taus present in SUSY. These particles are the scalar partners of the taus and in some scenarios the heavy Higgs boson may decay into them with a relatively large branching fraction. In this talk I will try to show how these searches of scalar taus could lead to a soon discovery of both these supersymmetric particles and the heavy Higgs bosons.