A stringy realization of a small and positive cosmological constant in dark bubble cosmology

December 1, 2022
12:00pm to 1:15pm

Grey room 1

Specialist level
Matilda Delgado

Grey room 1


Matilda will present the following paper (https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.10191):

A stringy realization of a small and positive cosmological constant in dark bubble cosmology, Ulf Danielsson, Oscar Henriksson, Daniel Panizo.

Abstract: In this paper we construct a stringy embedding of the dark bubble model of an expanding 4D cosmology with the help of branes rotating in extra dimensions. The universe rides a bubble which has nucleated in an unstable higher dimensional background. Our construction is therefore a string theoretical realization of Vilenkin's quantum cosmology. While the cosmological constant vanishes at lowest order, loop corrections predicted by the Weak Gravity Conjecture can induce a phenomenologically viable value. The model predicts the existence of large extra dimensions compatible with observational constraints, and we note a possible connection with the dark dimension proposal.