Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa
CFTMAT Audiovisual Conference Room
* 1st part: Journal club
- "CP Violating Two-Higgs-Doublet Model: Constraints and LHC Predictions", Venus Keus, Stephen F. King, Stefano Moretti, Kei Yagyu, arXiv:1510.04028 [hep-ph]
- "Low-energy signals of strongly-coupled electroweak symmetry-breaking scenarios", Antonio Pich, Ignasi Rosell, Joaquin Santos, Juan Jose Sanz-Cillero, arXiv:1510.03114 [hep-ph]
- "Sensitivities of Prospective Future e+e- Colliders to Decoupled New Physics", John Ellis, Tevong You, arXiv:1510.04561 [hep-ph]
- It was proposed to have a further look in next meetings on the article
"Pushing Higgs Effective Theory to its Limits", Johann Brehmer, Ayres Freitas, David Lopez-Val, Tilman Plehn, arXiv:1510.03443 [hep-ph]
* 2nd part: Victor Martín-Lozano will briefly present his work
"Resonant Higgs boson pair production in the hh→bb¯¯ WW→bb¯¯ℓ+νℓ−ν¯¯¯ decay channel",
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