MultiDark receives two more years of support from the Spanish Ministry of Science

MultiDark receives two more years of support from the Spanish Ministry of Science
  •  The Network will be coordinated from the IFT by Miguel A. Sanchez-Conde.

The project “Multimessenger approach for dark matter detection” (MultiDark) has been endorsed once again by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. The support will consist of 20,300 euros over two years and will be coordinated from the IFT by Miguel A. Sanchez-Conde.

As part of the National Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research 2021-2023, funds have been allocated as assistance to "Research Networks".

The main objective of the MultiDark Network is to promote the Spanish position in the field of dark matter searches, by creating synergies and collaborations between its participating groups, and to contribute to global efforts to detect and identify matter in a significant way.

MultiDark brings together the efforts of particle physicists, astrophysicists and cosmologists from fifteen Spanish universities and research institutes in an attempt to investigate dark matter from a multidisciplinary perspective. Specifically, MultiDark studies the most likely particles that constitute dark matter, investigates how these particles are distributed in the universe, and participates in the development and exploitation of experiments aimed at detecting it.

MultiDark was originally a 2010 Consolider-Ingenio Project of the Ministry of Economy, which began in December 2009 and ran until June 2017. Between July 2018 and June 2020, it served as a "Red Consolider" of the Spanish Investigation Agency. Through the recently approved Network, the MultiDark project will be able to keep going, by using the structure established over the years.

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