Two new H2020 projects coordinated by the Department of Theoretical Physics UAM/IFT

Two new H2020 projects coordinated by the Department of Theoretical Physics UAM/IFT

A new  H2020  ITN (Innovative Training Network) project named Elusives ( and a new RISE  (H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie  Research and Innovation Staff Exchange) project named  InvisiblesPlus ( have been approved in the last months and are now fully operational. 

The two projects focus on Neutrino and Dark Matter phenomenology and their connection, with emphasis on the role of the symmetry relating matter and antimatter. Experimental and theoretical aspects are  encompassed. Elusives is operative since last April 1st and will run in parallel with the complementary staff-exchange RISE project InvisiblesPlus, which is operative since last February 1st and focuses on the same subjects.


Elusives ( 674896 — Elusives — H2020-Marie Skłodowska-Curie-ITN-2015, April 2016- March 2020) extends to:

* Main partners in six European countries: Spain (Univ. Autónoma de Madrid, Univ. of Valencia and Univ. of Barcelona), UK (Univ. Durham U. and Univ. Southampton), France (CNRS including:  Univ. de Paris-Sud-/Orsay, LPMU and Univ. of Montpellier, CEA  and IRFU Saclay and Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand), Germany (Heidelberg Univ., Göttingen Univ., Karlsruhe Institute of Technology KIT and  MPG with Max Planck Institutes at Munich and Heidelberg ), Italy (INFN, including: Padova U., SISSA, Milano­-Biccoca U.), Switzerland (Univ. of Zurich).

* Scientific partners in nine non-European countries: Switzerland (CERN), USA (Harvard U., Columbia U.­ XENON expt., Fermilab theory group + all Fermilab major neutrino and dark matter expts., Univ. of Washington, Univ. of Berkeley-LBL and Stony Brook Univ.), China (IHEP), Japan ( Tokyo U. including ICRR and IPMU), Brazil (Sao Paulo U.), Colombia (Antonio Nariño U.), Egypt (Zewail City), India (HRI-Harish Chandra Institute  and Univ. New Delhi), and Iran (IPM).

*Private­ sector partners around the world: Japan (Hamamatsu), UK (Kromek), Spain (GMV,  the newspaper El País and Narcea Multimedia), Italy (Medialab).


InvisiblesPlus (690575 — InvisiblesPlus — H2020-Marie Skłodowska-Curie-RISE-2015, February 2016- January 2020) extends to:

* Main partners in six European countries: Spain (Univ. Autonoma de Madrid /IFT, Univ. of Valencia and Univ. of Barcelona; ; CSIC will soon become a node), UK (Univ. Durham U. and Univ. Southampton), France (CNRS including:  Univ. de Paris-Sud-/Orsay, LPMU and Univ. of Montpellier, CEA  and IRFU Saclay and Univ. Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand), Germany (Heidelberg Univ., Göttingen Univ., MPG with Max Planck Institutes at Munich and Heidelberg), Italy (INFN: Padova U., SISSA and Milano­-Biccoca U.), Switzerland (CERN and Univ. of Zurich). 

* Scientific partners in ten non-European countries: USA (Columbia U.­ XENON expt., Fermilab theory group + all major neutrino and dark matter expts., Univ. of Washington, Univ. of Berkeley-LBL and Stony Brook Univ.), Korea (KIAS), China (IHEP), Japan (Tokyo U. including ICRR and IPMU), Costa Rica (UCR), Brazil (Sao Paulo U.), Colombia (Antonio Nariño U.), Egypt (Zewail City), India (HRI-Harish Chandra Institute and Univ. New Delhi), and Iran (IPM).


Both projects are coordinated by Belen Gavela, affiliated to the Department of Theoretical Physics of the Autonomous University of Madrid and the Institute for Theoretical Physics (IFT) UAM-CSIC.

The two projects are synergetic with and build upon the expertise of the past ITN Invisibles ( FP7 PITN-GA-2011-289442-INVISIBLES, April 2012- March 2016), exploring a new scientific realm.

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