Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Benjamin Grinstein is visiting us | Dr. Benjamin Grinstein is visiting IFT for the period October 25th to December 7th, 2021. His research interests are: particle physics, with a focus on phenomena probed at current experiments, in the areas of flavor and higgs physics, both in the Standard Model (SM) and in extensions of the SM. In addition he has worked recently in various areas including non-relativistic QFT/CFT, dark matter detection, and RG flows in QFT (a-theorem). | ||
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Frederic Nowacki is visiting us | Dr. Frederic Nowacki from U. Strasbourg / CNR is visiting the IFT for the period October 25th to November 2nd, 2021. His research interests are focused on nuclear structure and reactions. | ||
Lucas Pinol, new postdoctoral researcher at IFT | Lucas Pinol obtained his PhD at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP) in 2021 and is now joining IFT as a postdoctoral researcher associated to the grant "Atracción de Talento" of Matteo Fasiello. Lucas is an expert of Early Universe's physics, with special focus on multifield scenarios of Inflation and Reheating. His works range from theoretical developments to phenomenological predictions, using both analytical and numerical descriptions. Particular subjects of interest for him are Primordial non-Gaussianities and their use as a kind of cosmological collider to better understand the spectrum of masses and spins of the primordial fields, the production of entropy perturbations during inflation and reheating and their imprints on cosmological observables, as well as more formal developments of effective field theories and non-perturbative techniques (notably stochastic inflation) to describe cosmological correlators. At IFT, he will pursue his quest for the primordial field content, with an emphasis on the use of primordial gravitational waves as a probe of the inflationary universe, anticipating on the advent of the low-frequency gravitational-wave experiments era in the coming years. | ||
Matteo Braglia, new postdoctoral researcher at IFT | Matteo Braglia obtained his PhD in Astrophysics at the University of Bologna in 2021 discussing a thesis on Scalar-Tensor Theories as a possible solution to the H0 tension. His research interests include Early Universe inflation and its signatures in the form of primordial features in cosmological observables, Primordial Black Holes and Gravitational Wave Physics. He is joining IFT as a postdoc of Dr. Sachiko Kuroyanagi. |
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