
Dr. Alejandro Jenkins is visiting us Dr. Alejandro Jenkins from Universidad de Costa Rica is visiting the IFT for the period March 14th to June 14th, 2019. His office number is 216. He is broadly interested in applications of effective quantum field theory in both particle physics and cosmology. He also works on self-oscillating dynamical systems and quantum thermodynamics.
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Mariano Quirós is visiting us Dr. Mariano Quirós from ICREA & IFAE is visiting the IFT for the period March 11th to 21st, 2019. His office number is 316. His research interests are: Beyond Standard Model
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Antonio Delgado is visiting us Dr. Antonio Delgado from University of Notre Dame is visiting the IFT for the period March 11th to 15th, 2019. His office number is 316. His research interests are: LHC phenomenology of different models beyond the SM.
Dr. Mary K. Gaillard is visiting us Dr. Mary K. Gaillard from University of California is visiting the IFT for the period March 4th to 29th, 2019. Her office number is 205. Her research interests include: physics beyond the Standard Model, specially the study of effective field theories from the heterotic string, including supersymmetry breaking, axion physics, the origin of R-parity and the problem of anomaly cancellation.


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