5 Jae-Intro fellowships at IFT

Kind of offer: 

IFT-UAM/CSIC offers 5 Jae-Intro fellowships for introduction to research, addressed to master's students 2022-23.

IFT being an equal-opportunity institution, candidates from underrepresented and traditionally disadvantaged backgrounds are particularly encouraged to apply.

Duration: from November 1, 2022 to March 31, 2023.

Endowment: 600 € per month

General and specific bases: https://sede.csic.gob.es/intro2021icu

Those interested should send the application documents to jaeintro.ift@csic.es

Application period: June 15 - July 15


- Copy of passport/personal ID

CV JAE Intro

- Application form

- Motivation letter

- Declaration of compatibility

- Official academic record

- Certificates of additional studies declared in the CV

Eligible candidates must :

1.- Have completed a Bachelor or Degree in Physics by the time the fellowship starts

2.- Have a grade point average of at least 8 out of 10

3.- Be enrolled at UAM official Master's program during the fellowship

4.- Not having been a recipient of a JAE scholarship in the past

The following training plans are available (see annex, more than one training plan is recommended):

- JAEIntroICU-2022-IFT-01 "The Swampland: Implications of quantum gravity at low energies", by Fernando Marchesano

- JAEIntroICU-2022-IFT-02 "The sound of black holes", producer: Karl Landsteiner

- JAEIntroICU-2022-IFT-03 entitled "Thermodynamics of black holes in superstring theories," supervisor: Tomás Ortín

- JAEIntroICU-2022-IFT-04 “A non-perturbative dynamics of particle physics at the forefront of computational methods”, supervisor: Gregorio Herdoíza

- JAEIntroICU-2022-IFT-05, "Quantum Error Correction", supervisor: Alejandro Bermudez.

-JAEIntroICU-2022-IFT-06 "Quantum cellular automata and tensor network theory", supervisor: Germán Sierra

- JAEIntroICU-2022-IFT-07 “A new perspective on Quantum Field Theories: continuos Tensor Networks”, supervisor: Esperanza López

- JAEIntroICU-2022-IFT-08 “A window to New Physics through neutrino experiments”, supervisor: Pilar Coloma

- JAEIntroICU-2022-IFT-09 “Higgs physics at future colliders”, supervisor: Sven Heinemeyer

- JAEIntroICU-2022-IFT-10 “Hands on machine learning”, by Juan Antonio Aguilar Saavedra

- JAEIntroICU-2022-IFT-11 “The Axion-Light-Particle window to New Physics”, by Luca Merlo

- JAEIntroICU-2022-IFT-12 “Machine learning in gravitational wave analysis and cosmology”, by Sachiko Kuroyanagi

- JAEIntroICU-2022-IFT-13 “Collider Analyses of Supersymmetry Phenomenology with Machine-Learning Techniques”, responsable: Ernesto Arganda

- JAEIntroICU-2022-IFT-14 “Modified gravity and its applications”, responsable: Savvas Nesseris

- JAEIntroICU-2022-IFT-15 “The search of dark matter with gamma rays”, Miguel A. Sánchez-Conde

- JAEIntroICU-2022-IFT-16 “Inflating with Axions and Gauge Fields”, Matteo Fasiello

- JAEIntroICU-2022-IFT-17 “Primordial black holes as dark matter”, Guillermo Ballesteros

Viernes, Julio 15, 2022 - 11:45pm