For university students, CSIC is offering 300 fellowships for Introduction to Research JAE INTRO 2022

Kind of offer: 

There are 300 training fellowships announced for research stays at CSIC centers for seven consecutive months, wich 90 of them are related to Sciences.

A call for the JAE INTRO 2022 Introduction to Research Fellowship program has been published by the CSIC. The program is aimed at students in the last year of a university degree or master's degree, with the aim of starting a scientific career and promoting an approach to knowledge of current scientific-technical problems and the methods used to solve them.

If studying a degree, the average academic mark required is 8.00; if studying a double degree, the average mark is 7.00.
From October 5 to November 7, 2022, submissions will be accepted through the telematic application at:


  • Passport, DNI, NIE, or other form of identity document
  • Transcripts or certificates of academic achievement
  • Curriculum Vitae that is endorsed by documentation
  • A responsible statement (in accordance with the model found at

An electronic signature is required for submission of the documentation.

The beneficiaries must choose the training plan and tutor once the scholarships have been awarded.
Write to if you have any questions about the call.

The announcement
You can find more information at

Lunes, Noviembre 7, 2022 - 12:15am