
Dr. Ernesto Arganda is visiting us Dr. Ernesto Arganda from Instituto de Física de La Plata (CONICET) is visiting the IFT for the period February 1st to July 27th, 2018. His office number is 414. His research interests are focused on the phenomenology of high energy physics (in particular Higgs physics, neutrino physics, supersymmetry phenomenology, and collider physics), with an special dedication to the interplay between theory and experiments, in order to perform search strategies for physics beyond the standard model at particle colliders.
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Miguel Ángel Vázquez-Mozo is visiting us Dr. Miguel Ángel Vázquez-Mozo from Universidad de Salamanca is visiting the IFT on January 29th, 2018. His office number is 306. His research interests are: are quantum field theory, string theory, gravity, and cosmology.
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Stefano Rigolin is visiting us Dr. Stefano Rigolin from University of Padua is visiting the IFT for the period January 15th to 19th, 2018. His office number is 216. His research interests are: Neutrino Oscillations and Future Neutrino Experiments, Physics Beyond the Standard Model and Dynamical Higgs and Dark Matter - Dark Energy.
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Miguel Ángel Vázquez-Mozo is visiting us Dr. Miguel Ángel Vázquez-Mozo from Universidad de Salamanca is visiting the IFT for the period January 8th to 12th, 2018. His office number is 306. His research interests are: are quantum field theory, string theory, gravity, and cosmology.


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