
Dr. Ilaria Brivio is visiting us Dr. Ilaria Brivio from Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen is visiting the IFT for the period November 27th to December 1st, 2017. Her office number is 215. Her research interests are: Effective Field Theories, phenomenology of the Higgs boson, Dark Matter and axions
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Silvia Pascoli is visiting us Dr. Silvia Pascoli from Durham University is visiting the IFT for the period November 27th to December 7th, 2017. Her office number is 209. Her research interests are: Elementary Particle Theory.
Dr. Miguel Zumalacárregui is visiting us Dr. Miguel Zumalacárregui from UC Berkeley is visiting the IFT for the period November 21st to 29th, 2017. His office number is 104. Miguel's research focuses on how cosmological data can be used to test gravity and fundamental physics. He is developing methods to compute cosmological observables in a broad class of gravity theories ( He more recently became interested in gravitational waves and non-linear effects on the large scale structure of the Universe. He also works on formal aspects of classical theories of gravity, including finding general frameworks to construct new classes of viable models.
Dr. Ander Retolaza is visiting us Dr. Ander Retolaza from DESY is visiting the IFT for the period November 20th to 24th, 2017. His office number is 401. His research interests include: Construction of 4d String Theory vacua with applications to Cosmology, gauge/gravity duality.


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