Neutrino Oscillations in Dark Matter

November 25, 2019
3:00pm to 4:00pm

IFT Seminar Room/Red Room

Theoretical Physics, general interest
Eung Jin Chun
Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)

IFT Seminar Room/Red Room

We discuss neutrino oscillations in a medium of dark matter which generalizes the standard matter effect. A general formula is derived to describe the effect of various mediums and their mediators to neutrinos. Neutrinos and anti-neutrinos receive opposite contributions from asymmetric distribution of (dark) matter and anti-matter, and thus it could appear in precision measurement of neutrino or anti-neutrino oscillations. Furthermore, the standard neutrino oscillation can occur from the symmetric dark matter effect even for massless neutrinos. (based on arXiv:1909.10478)