
SO(IFT) Research Associate Dr. Gary Shiu is visiting us Dr. Gary Shiu from Hong Kong U. & Wisconsin U., is visiting the IFT for the period September 11th to 15th, 2017. His office number is 401. His research interest are: String theory and its applications to particle physics and cosmology.
Dr. Francesco Giovanni Celiberto is visiting us Dr. Francesco Giovanni Celiberto from Università della Calabria & INFN-Cosenza is visiting the IFT for the period September 4th to December 31st, 2017. His office number is 317. His research interests include: small-x physics, BFKL resummation, LHC phenomenology.
Dr. Bryan Zaldívar is visiting us Dr. Bryan Zaldívar from LAPTh - Annecy is visiting the IFT for the period July 10th to 18th, 2017. His office number is 301. His research interests include: Dark Matter, Early Universe and Collider Phenomenology.
Dr. Álvaro de la Cruz-Dombriz is visiting us Dr. Álvaro de la Cruz-Dombriz from University of Cape Town is visiting the IFT for the period June 27th to July 18th, 2017. His office number is 103. His research interests include: dark energy, extended theories of gravity, large-scale structures, neutron stars.


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